Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Gospel Story

Do you have a gospel story? The gospel for the Apostle Paul was more than just theological statements. It was something that radically changed his life. Paul was once someone who "persecuted the church of God and violently tried to destroy it" (Gal. 1:13). He then became someone known for "preaching the faith that he once tried to destroy" (Gal. 1:23). The root of Paul's transformation was the gospel (Gal. 1:14-15).

It is important to remember that Paul was not a pagan before his conversion. Yes, he was persecuting the church, but he was doing this out of a desire to keep Judaism pure. He thought he was honoring God by doing this. The pre-conversion Paul was a very "moral" person. He was a respected and rising Pharisee. In fact, Paul says he was "zealous" for the moral traditions of Judaism.

I point this out because we often associate the gospel with simply living a good moral life. So and so was a heathen, but now they live a good life. Many think if you live a good moral life, then you are a good Christian. The reality is that you can live a good moral life without Jesus or any understanding of the gospel. The highly moral person needs Jesus as much as the biggest heathen. For Paul, the gospel was never about simply living a good moral life. Instead, it was about realizing that living a moral life would never be sufficient to save him. He knew that no amount of good works could ever overcome the depths of his sinfulness. Reflecting on the gospel always lead Paul to remember his own sinfulness and inability to save himself. This is why he would later write that he was "chief" among all sinners.

When you think about the gospel, do you think about all the great things you do for God? If so, that is not the gospel but legalism. Reflecting on the gospel should always lead you to remembering the depths of God's grace; and how He saved someone who was unworthy and unable to save themselves. That was Paul's gospel story. What is yours?

In Christ Alone,

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