Monday, August 29, 2011

Learning to Love the Gospel

Nothing is more fundamental to a healthy church than getting the gospel right. When the gospel is lost the church begins its wayward journey into irrelevance. Before the gospel is lost in a congregation, something else is lost first—a love for the gospel. A lack of love for the truth that Jesus saves sinners through his death and resurrection always precedes the losing of the gospel. 

The cause of this lost love can be traced to a growing complacency in regard to our own sin. If we are not consciously aware of our own sinfulness, then we are not consciously aware of our need of redemption. If we are not consciously aware of our need of redemption, then the gospel is nothing but hollow words.  Over time we grow complacent in the routine of life. We cease thinking deeply of our rebellion against God's law. We cease asking God to show us the depths of our sinfulness. We cease confessing sin, other than the occasional half-hearted, "God, please forgive me for all my sins". We cease repenting of our sin. The result is that we cease loving the gospel for there is nothing there for us to love. Instead we become infatuated with our own self-righteousness.

How much love do you have for the gospel? The answer to that question is directly related to how clearly you see your own sin. Thomas Schreiner insightfully writes, “The wonder and beauty of the gospel is forgotten if we fail to see the depth and gravity of our sin, for then the death of Christ seems unnecessary.” How necessary do you see the death of Christ? Take time this week to ask God to show you the depths of your own sinfulness. Be specific. Confess it. Repent of it. Embrace the beauty of the gospel. A love for the gospel makes healthy Christians. Healthy Christians make healthy churches. May God, in His grace, grant us a healthy congregation that loves the gospel at Red Bud. 

Praying for a deeper love of the gospel,
Pastor Cory

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Gospel Implications

The goal of this blog is quite simple. It is to serve the church in aiding her pursuit of thinking and living rightly in light of the gospel. I don't presume to have this all figured out myself, but I am committed to seeking to understand the gospel more fully and the effects that it should have on those who claim it as truth. There are implications for trusting in the gospel. Claiming Jesus as Lord demands a certain way of thinking and living. The goal here is to continually unpack what those implications are for our thinking and living.

This will be done in two ways. The first will be a post every Monday that focuses on further application from Sunday's sermon. I will be starting a new sermon series on August 28th titled "Getting the Gospel Right." This series will take us through the book of Galatians. Therefore, the Monday posts will begin on Aug. 29th.

The second way will be a Thursday post that will deal with either a question of the week or current event. The goal will be to explore how the gospel helps answer a particular question about living as a follower of Jesus or how the gospel should influence our understanding of a current event. This is where I need your help. Please submit relevant questions that you may have or events that you would be interested in exploring how the gospel should impact our understanding or response to the event.

In these ways my hope is that together we can grow in our understanding of the implications of the gospel for our thinking and living.

Thankful for the Gospel,